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Intro Sensor Challenges
6-Motion Sensor Steering
-Making LEFT TURNS have your robot drive to all four corners of the 4x4 maze using ONLY the motion sensor (Wave your hand in front of it).
Here is Mr. Tyrrell's page where he writes down things that he is learning about Mindstorms.
Have your robot tell the difference between Red and Blue
9-The Maze
Using at least 2 different sensors, within 45 seconds, you must steer your robot through the maze WITHOUT TOUCHING any of the lines.
Video must be shot from above.
10-Colour Sensor Drive
When your robot drives forward, towards a red line, it must sense the red line, back up 3 rotations and then drive back towards the line again, at least 3 times.
7-Colour Sensor
8-Colour Sensor Steering
-Making RIGHT TURNS have your robot drive to all four corners of the 4x4 maze using ONLY the colour sensor. Use the colour sheets that Mr. Tyrrell has.
NOTE: Set up Mindstorms right after you get your bin and before you start building any robot.
Advanced Challenges
Box Escape
Mr. Tyrrell will place your robot randomly anywhere inside a 5x5 box made of 2x4's.
Somewhere, there will be a gap in the 2x4's. WITHOUT TOUCHING THE SIDES, your robot needs to drive out of the box.
Lift the weight
Design a way to lift a 1kg weight 1 metre in height.
Follow the Line
Program your robot to follow the green line from start to finish.
This video might help
Move green item to square
Your robot needs to find the green item, then move it into a square.
Touch Sensor Wall Challenge
Two boards will be placed 3 feet apart. Have robot drive between the two boards. When it hits a board it must reverse and go towards the other board. The robot must go back and forth 6 times.
Maze Race!!!
Seek & Destroy
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